
  • FAQs about becoming a TOT tutor

    What does it mean by flexible schedule? Can I tutor whenever?  Yes, you can teach whenever and however long you want. You will be making your own s...
  • Do’s & Don'ts at University

     Don’t be scared to ask for extensions: Many professors allow delayed submissions for a valid reason. Valid reasons could be: sickness, family em...
  • Professors Overloading Students

    The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have been devastating for students, especially in correlation with their academic workload. According to this ...
  • Positive Benefits of Peer Tutoring

    What does peer tutoring actually mean? And how is it different than regular tutoring?. Peer tutoring is connecting a student to a tutor that has al...
  • Student Struggles during the Pandemic

    The global pandemic has disrupted the lives of many, but students in particular have taken a heavy blow. Students are social by nature and school i...
  • Summer Institute Demo Day

    Over the last 3 months the Tutor on Time executive team has been working with the Summer Institute business accelerator program at UNB to further ...
  • Design Changes

    Over the last 3 months Tutor on Time has teamed up with the Summer Institute to revamp and evolve the Tutor on Time offering. From an all new layou...